Directions to Arenas
Brenham :: Washington County Fairgrounds
Arena Website
From Houston, take Hwy 290 West to Brenham. Turn right on Loop 577. The fairgrounds are on the right, just past the intersection of 577 and Hwy 105.
Bryan :: Kingdom Ranch Arena
Arena Website
7300 East State Hwy 21 , Bryan, TX. 77808 - From Hwy 6 in Bryan, Exit Hwy 21 / US190, Go East aprox. 2.7 miles towards Madisonville and the church is on the right. 1/2 mile east of Coulter Field airport.
Bryan :: Silver Horse Arena
Arena Website
Caldwell :: Burleson County Saddle Club
Arena Website
From Houston, take Hwy 290 West to Brenham. In Brenham, take Hwy 36 North to Caldwell. Just before you get to town, the arena is on the right, behind the VFW hall.
Crockett :: Porth Ag Arena
Arena Website
Take I-45 North to Merge onto TX-19 N via EXIT 113 toward Riverside/Crockett. Turn right onto TX-304-LOOP. Turn left onto Edmiston Dr. Arena is on the right.
Field Store :: Chad Treichel Memorial Arena
This arena is located on FM 1488 in Fieldstore. It is approximately 12 miles between Magnolia and Hempstead.
Giddings :: Lee County Rodeo Arena
Arena Website
From Houston, take Hwy 290 West to Giddings. Go thru the town of Giddings. The arena is on the left just past the bowling alley. Look for the black and white sign.
From Conroe, take FM 1488 South to Magnolia. In Magnolia, turn left on FM 1774.
Hempstead :: Waller County Fairgrounds
Arena Website
From Houston, take Hwy 290 West towards Hempstead. Just before Hempstead, exit FM 359 South towards Brookshire. The fairgrounds are on the left approximately 1 mile south of Hwy 290.
Hempstead :: Wiktorik Arena
41221 Hartman Road
Hempstead, TX 77445
Hempstead :: Williams Arena
13999 FM 359 (at McDade Rd)
Huntsville :: Walker County Fairgrounds
Arena Website
From Houston, take I-45 North to exit 116 in Huntsville (Hwy 30/US 190). Turn left on Hwy 30 towards Bryan. The fairgrounds are on the left approximately 3 miles from I-45.
Independence :: Miracle Farm
Arena Website
From Houston, take US 290 W toward Austin. Exit FM577 toward US 290 Business. Turn RIGHT onto State Hwy 105 E. Turn LEFT onto FM 50. Turn RIGHT onto CR 70/FM 2621 Independence Way. Arrive at 10802 FM 2621, Miracle Farm. Enter on the driveway by the baseball field and there is chuck wagon. Address is 10802 FM 2621 Brenham Texas 77833
Katy :: Katy ISD Ag Arena
Arena address: 5825 Katy Hockley Cut Off Rd, Katy, TX 77493
Trailers need to enter from Beckendorff Rd.
Snook :: Snook Rodeo Arena (Ray Maass Arena)
Arena Website
The arena is located at the corner of Hwy 60 and FM3058. Take Hwy60 and aprox. 5 miles south of Snook, turn north onto FM3058. The arena is less than half a mile on your right.
Magnolia :: Magnolia Community Horse Club
Arena Website
From Waller/Hempstead, take FM 1488 North to Magnolia. In Magnolia, turn right on FM 1774. Go thru town, then turn right on Friendship Lane just past the Magnolia Youth Park. The arena is on the right past the community center.
Navasota :: Grimes County Fairgrounds
Arena Website
5220 FM3455 Rd, Navasota, TX 77868 - From Hwy 6 in Navasota, exit TX-90, go east aprox. 2.8 miles. Turn left (north) onto FM 3455 (Navasota Lifestock Auction at the corner). Go 1 mile and the Grimes County Fairgrounds arena will be on your left.
Roan's Prairie :: Kloecker Arena
The arena is on the corner of FM 2562 and Highway 30 (one-half mile east of the Valero station).
Washington :: Lucky Circle M Ranch
7250 Dill Hill Lane | Washington, Texas 77880 | Directions
Willis :: Willis Ag Arena
Arena Website
From Houston, take Hwy 290 West to Brenham. Turn right on Loop 577. The fairgrounds are on the right, just past the intersection of 577 and Hwy 105.
Bryan :: Kingdom Ranch Arena
Arena Website
7300 East State Hwy 21 , Bryan, TX. 77808 - From Hwy 6 in Bryan, Exit Hwy 21 / US190, Go East aprox. 2.7 miles towards Madisonville and the church is on the right. 1/2 mile east of Coulter Field airport.
Bryan :: Silver Horse Arena
Arena Website
Caldwell :: Burleson County Saddle Club
Arena Website
From Houston, take Hwy 290 West to Brenham. In Brenham, take Hwy 36 North to Caldwell. Just before you get to town, the arena is on the right, behind the VFW hall.
Crockett :: Porth Ag Arena
Arena Website
Take I-45 North to Merge onto TX-19 N via EXIT 113 toward Riverside/Crockett. Turn right onto TX-304-LOOP. Turn left onto Edmiston Dr. Arena is on the right.
Field Store :: Chad Treichel Memorial Arena
This arena is located on FM 1488 in Fieldstore. It is approximately 12 miles between Magnolia and Hempstead.
Giddings :: Lee County Rodeo Arena
Arena Website
From Houston, take Hwy 290 West to Giddings. Go thru the town of Giddings. The arena is on the left just past the bowling alley. Look for the black and white sign.
From Conroe, take FM 1488 South to Magnolia. In Magnolia, turn left on FM 1774.
Hempstead :: Waller County Fairgrounds
Arena Website
From Houston, take Hwy 290 West towards Hempstead. Just before Hempstead, exit FM 359 South towards Brookshire. The fairgrounds are on the left approximately 1 mile south of Hwy 290.
Hempstead :: Wiktorik Arena
41221 Hartman Road
Hempstead, TX 77445
Hempstead :: Williams Arena
13999 FM 359 (at McDade Rd)
Huntsville :: Walker County Fairgrounds
Arena Website
From Houston, take I-45 North to exit 116 in Huntsville (Hwy 30/US 190). Turn left on Hwy 30 towards Bryan. The fairgrounds are on the left approximately 3 miles from I-45.
Independence :: Miracle Farm
Arena Website
From Houston, take US 290 W toward Austin. Exit FM577 toward US 290 Business. Turn RIGHT onto State Hwy 105 E. Turn LEFT onto FM 50. Turn RIGHT onto CR 70/FM 2621 Independence Way. Arrive at 10802 FM 2621, Miracle Farm. Enter on the driveway by the baseball field and there is chuck wagon. Address is 10802 FM 2621 Brenham Texas 77833
Katy :: Katy ISD Ag Arena
Arena address: 5825 Katy Hockley Cut Off Rd, Katy, TX 77493
Trailers need to enter from Beckendorff Rd.
Snook :: Snook Rodeo Arena (Ray Maass Arena)
Arena Website
The arena is located at the corner of Hwy 60 and FM3058. Take Hwy60 and aprox. 5 miles south of Snook, turn north onto FM3058. The arena is less than half a mile on your right.
Magnolia :: Magnolia Community Horse Club
Arena Website
From Waller/Hempstead, take FM 1488 North to Magnolia. In Magnolia, turn right on FM 1774. Go thru town, then turn right on Friendship Lane just past the Magnolia Youth Park. The arena is on the right past the community center.
Navasota :: Grimes County Fairgrounds
Arena Website
5220 FM3455 Rd, Navasota, TX 77868 - From Hwy 6 in Navasota, exit TX-90, go east aprox. 2.8 miles. Turn left (north) onto FM 3455 (Navasota Lifestock Auction at the corner). Go 1 mile and the Grimes County Fairgrounds arena will be on your left.
Roan's Prairie :: Kloecker Arena
The arena is on the corner of FM 2562 and Highway 30 (one-half mile east of the Valero station).
Washington :: Lucky Circle M Ranch
7250 Dill Hill Lane | Washington, Texas 77880 | Directions
Willis :: Willis Ag Arena